At Valco Support Services, we specialise in the design, manufacture and Installation of electrical panels as well as electrical automation. We repair and refit existing electrical installations with expert engineering teams.

Vision and Mission
To successfully create a connection between Customers and Employees and stay true to our Core Values that Customers are proud to associate with

Core Values
Our Values are based on a foundation of Trust built through:

  • Teamwork
  • Commitment
  • Responsibility
  • Create Synergy
  • Simplicity in Design & Execution
  • People Development


  • BEE Level 1 Certified
  • MERSETA Certified
  • Registered Lifting Machine Inspector
  • Electrical COC’s
  • OHS Act 2008 Compliant

Credentials & Qualifications

  • Diploma: Electronics
  • Diploma: Power Machines
  • Diploma: Supervisory Management
  • Certified: Project Planning & Maintenance

Sole Agent for HBC Radiomatic (Germany).

Suppliers of various electrical components to an array of Industries